Traditional Bread Baking in Zakros

Few things go together like good bread & delicious olive oil. We were recently invited to bake bread with friends the old way. A big stone oven, olive wood fire, a crucifix made on the stone as the last loaf goes in and a feast while the loaves back. Rituals that have stood the test of time. An amazing morning learning the classic loaf. 80 loaves in total.

It's an incredible process. We've got a full breakdown on our website. You can flick through the images, step by step.

If you’re interested, the recipe’s below.

The Recipe

George's Medium Sized oven holds 40kg of bread.


  • 30kg strong white flour T70
  • 9kg Starenio
  • 5kg corn
  • A few Sesame seeds for taste

If using a heritage grain replace the 9kg (caution needed as heritage grain is strong and can make the bread tough and dense).

You need a to use around 3kg of the T70 to stop the dough sticking to the table.

To make the Yeast use 6kg from the T70. Yeast is Mixed with the 6kg the night before.

Water is added by eye. George uses buckets and for the whole mix its around 2 buckets maybe 10L per bucket.


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